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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Influenster: Palmolive "Soft Touch" VoxBox.

I received the Palmolive Soft touch voxbox from influenster a few days ago. I know alot of you females out there do not wash your dishes by hands, but there is still a few of us out there who do not to use our dish washers. I guess that I am old school like that as I do have a dish washer but tend to use it a couple of times a year as I am more used to washing the dishes by hand.

I received 2 dish detergents from Palmolive from their "Soft Touch" line. From the information that was given to me it states that the formulas on the dish detergents are mild with a touch of vitamin E, Aloe or coconut butter. There's 3 Soft touch dish detergent from Palmolive but was only given 2 to review and give my honest opinion on the soaps.

I tried out the vitamin E detergent (also known as the pink one) first to see how well it left my dishes nice and clean as well as how it left my sensitive hands feeling after using the detergent. I really do not have any complains as it did clean my dishes very well and I didn't have to keep on adding soap to the sponge. I can honestly say that it did leave my hands feeling soft.

On to the Aloe dish detergent (also known as the green one) I actually like the scent on this one over the vitamin E dish detergent. It also did its job leaving my dishes nice and clean & not to mention leaving my hands feeling soft as well. From the 2 that I tried out I like the Aloe one the best but then again I have to try the coconut butter detergent as we all know that coconut butter is very good for the skin.

                                          Here's my review and first impression on Youtube.

"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."